What we do

Anaxas Consulting
We provide consultancy on a number of areas of business and IT management. Our long and deep experience allows us to develop innovative approaches to solving your problems with you, drawing on a range of techniques. We always work from the problem to its solution - our analysis is always thorough but quick, a skill that has been developed through repeated application. Our approach is always positive, focusing on where you want to be and in addressing what’s stopping you getting there, rather than an audit-based fault-finding process. Above all, our consulting process is focused on you, not on us.

Anaxas Training
We specialise in short (usually one-day) courses designed to enhance specific skills in managers, project managers and business analysts. Our aim is to make course participants immediately effective. We do not offer accreditations, certificates, or belts of any shape, size or colour - just matter-of-fact training addressing the requirements and needs that we see in our clients’ businesses. We also develop courses for clients for in-house delivery, and we conduct training needs analyses.

Anaxas Legal
We have developed a number of specific propositions designed to make UK law firms and legal departments more efficient, and more effective, both in the delivery of legal services and in the running of their legal business.
Photo credits
Header background, Artem Sapegin on Unsplash. Thumbnails, from top: Flickr; uihere.com; Helloquence on unsplash.com
- Get in touch
- 07793 166787
- enquiries@anaxas.co.uk
© 2020 Anaxas Business Services Ltd