Getting the engine firing on all cylinders - ready for the journey
While the causes of the current disruption are very different to those of the 2007-8 credit crunch, its effects will be very similar. Clients will be fighting to survive, will be looking at every penny spent, and will be looking for value for money from all suppliers.
We already know it is not enough to be a good lawyer – that we need to package our services in a way that pays attention to customer requirements on quality, price and speed.
Now, more than ever, productivity and efficiency in service development and delivery will be critical to success. Here’s how we can help.
Our Approach
Our proposal is a focused, intensive initiative that will take two to three weeks, and will leave you with a clear understanding of where you need to improve either productivity or efficiency, or both.
It is based on an analysis of your current performance, developed with you. It assembles the evidence to support your decisions on the actions you should take.
It helps you put together a coherent, realistic and achievable plan to improve performance quickly and effectively. It will make you competitive again for the changed world that is starting to emerge.

The logistics
- Our small team (probably two people) will be on site for around three elapsed weeks (this is mainly for steps 1 -3).
- Your internal management team will own and lead the work, which we will facilitate and manage. They will be particularly involved is steps 2 & 3 (Analyse, Aim).
- Your internal subject matter experts should be available when needed.
Want to know more, discuss or comment?
Please contact Richard Copley on 07793 166787, or email
Photo credits: Header background, Oli Woodman on Unsplash.
- Get in touch
- 07793 166787
© 2020 Anaxas Business Services Ltd